When Should My Child Start Playing the Guitar?

Nov 10 · 4 min read

When your child is ready to learn guitar, it's important to start them off on the right foot. It's not as simple as handing them a guitar and letting them figure it out on their own; there are many factors that need to be considered before starting lessons. When should you start? How often should they practice? What kind of instrument should I buy? We'll answer these questions and more in this guide for parents who want to know when the best time is for their child to begin playing guitar.

Age 9

It's never too early to start! But if you're looking to make sure your child gets a solid foundation in music, age nine is a great time to begin learning. You'll still have plenty of time for them to develop their skills before they need to decide on what instrument they want to play as an adult.

There are many advantages of starting guitar at this age, including:

Children can learn basic chords and strum patterns easily.

They can be taught songs without having much interest in lyrics (which may not be their strong suit).

They will start getting into the basics of guitar theory and how songs work together, which will help them learn more advanced techniques later on.

Age 10

There are many reasons why a 10-year-old would be ready to start playing guitar. As children get older, they tend to become more independent and responsible. A 10-year-old is likely old enough to handle the responsibility of taking care of their instrument, keeping it in tune and learning how to play it properly. They'll also have developed a sense of self-motivation by this age; if they want something bad enough, they'll work hard at getting it done!

What's more, the tween years are when kids begin learning music theory—the foundation that allows them to understand how different notes relate and interact with each other—and that's essential for any aspiring guitarist or vocalist who hopes one day on becoming an accomplished musician. It makes sense then that this is also when most people start teaching themselves how

to read sheet music; after all, reading music helps us understand what notes are being played and allows us (and others) know what we're doing wrong!

Age 12

The question of when a child should start learning guitar is one that will have different answers for each person. Some kids may be ready to learn as early as five years old, while others may not be ready until they're in their teens. If you feel your child is ready at 12 years old, then by all means start teaching them now!

If your child has previously shown an interest in music and wants to learn how to play the guitar, it's very possible they will be able to play simple songs within a few months of starting lessons. They'll learn basic chords and strumming patterns that allow them to accompany themselves or another musician playing another instrument such as piano or drums.

Age 13

The age of 13 is a good time to start learning guitar. The child should be able to read music, but not necessarily play by ear. They should be able to hold the guitar and play chords, as well as simple songs.

At this point in their lives, kids are ready to learn how to play an instrument or sport because it's an important part of their development. Not only does playing music help them with their brain power, but it also develops social skills (like working together) and fine motor skills (like coordination).

Age 14

If your child is interested in playing guitar, it's a good idea to start them at age 14. At that point, most children are starting to ask for lessons. However, you can also begin earlier or later than this age.

Some other considerations:

If your child isn't ready for lessons at age 14, wait until they are ready and then sign them up for lessons.

If you don't want them to get involved with music just yet because they're too young or their interests might change before they're ready to learn an instrument, hold off until later on down the road when their interests have been solidified and their skillset has developed more fully

Age 15

If you are 15 or older, you should be able to play guitar well enough to learn songs by ear and play with other musicians. If you're younger than 15, though, don't worry; I still think it's okay for you to start practicing guitar at this age. The only thing that might need to change is the amount of time spent practicing each day. A good rule of thumb is that if your practicing starts affecting other things in your life—your grades at school could be suffering or something else comes up—then maybe it's time to scale back a little bit on how much time devoted specifically towards learning how to play guitar.

This is a tricky question with no one clear answer.

There are a lot of factors that come into play when considering if your child is ready to learn how to play guitar. The most important one is you.

You’re their parent and you know them better than anyone else, so it’s up to you to decide when they need more or less help from a teacher. Your decision should be based on what kind of support system your family has in place and how quickly the learning process can go for your kid.

If you don’t have any experience with music at all, then starting now may not be worth it—but if there are several musically inclined people in the house who could help out, then it might be time!

Another thing that matters is whether or not there will be someone around who can give them lessons (and make sure they practice). It shouldn't be too hard; if there's no other instrument being played in the house aside from an acoustic guitar, chances are good that everyone knows at least some chords by heart!

What we know is that age is not the only factor to consider when choosing a guitar for your child. There are many different styles of guitars, each with their own pros and cons. It's important to find a style that fits both your child's interests and skillset so they don't become frustrated or lose interest in playing after just a few weeks or months. To contact a teacher with more information visit our page about guitar lessons in Redmond

Marie Bergman
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